In recovery, we rebel against our disease because we have love for ourselves and for something greater that needs fighting for. Each day we fight for the freedom to stay close to our Higher Power, friends, and family.
It’s mainly a quiet battle. It’s fought daily. We fight and win by acting in a spiritual way. We fight and win every time we help a friend, go to a meeting, or read about how to improve our lives.
We move slowly but always forward. Rushing will only tire us out. Our battle will go on for life. We are quiet fighters, but we’re strong, for we do not fight alone. And we know what waits for us if we lose.
Prayer for the Day
Higher Power, help me stay free. When I want to give up, help me realize this is normal. Help me to keep fighting at these times.
Action for the Day
Today I’ll be a rebel. I will go to an extra meeting, or I’ll talk with my sponsor. I’ll find a way to help someone without the person knowing.
Comment with your google account if you like if you to be post a comment no comments or meeting for the day today someone wiithout knowing l will go give up this is help me to keep