Reflection for the Day
I first read the Serenity Prayer, the word serenity itself seemed like
an impossibility. At the time, the word conjured up images of lethargy,
apathy, resignation, or grim-faced endurance; it hardly seemed a
desirable goal. But I’ve since found that serenity means none of those
things. Serenity for me today is simply a clear-eyed and realistic way
of seeing the world, accompanied by inner peace and strength.
favorite definition is “Serenity is like a gyroscope that lets us keep
our balance no matter what turbulence swirls around us.” Is that a state of mind worth aiming for?
Today I Pray
May I notice that serenity comes first, ahead of courage and wisdom,
in the sequence of the Serenity Prayer. May I believe that serenity
must also come first in my life. I must have the balance, realistic
outlook, and acceptance that is part of this blessing of serenity before
I can go on to the kind of action and decision-making that will bring
order to my existence.
Today I Will Remember
Serenity comes first.