I started a Web Site in 1999 when I came back into the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous. Tripod decided to block me a few years ago , so I stopped writing, posting. SO I decided to take the posts I had there and put them here. Plus new ones I found on the net and shares of my own. Take what you need and pass on the rest! Blessings ds♥

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Progress Making Me

This is not a self-help program
I often discover that I feel, believe, assume, predict, or remember something entirely unnecessary, useless, or false. Just junk in my mind's basement. And, like a broken toaster my mental junk can be dangerous.

My spiritual path involves doing things that are novel and sometimes uncomfortable, things I often don't much want to do.
But if I pay attention I learn things. For instance, I learned something about what it takes to change.
Progress requires effort. Staying stuck only requires a willingness to suffer the consequences of who I am.

If I do the same old things, the junk accumulates. When I do positive, healthy things, I sweep some of the junk away. I open the door to change. My actions signal my willingness.

But, willingness, though necessary, is not sufficient.

I need help. The changes I require are beyond my human ability alone. I simply can't reach the places that must be repaired.
No matter how willing I may be, all my thoughts and actions do not heal me. So I turn my will and my life over to the care of my Higher Power, and I keep working the Steps.

A broken toaster can't fix itself.

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