If what I say resonates with you, it’s because we are both branches of the same tree.
~W. B. Yeats
Once we begin our recovery, we have an instant bond with others in recovery; they seem to understand us pretty well even if they haven’t known us very long. This is because we have a lot in common. We have the same disease. When we hear other addicts tell their stories, we know what they have gone through because it is a lot like what we have gone through.
The disease does similar things to us all. Yet each of us is unique and different, like the branches of a tree.
The fact that we share so much with our recovering friends is a true strength. It helps us grow strong. The fact that we have our own special talents, thoughts, and dreams is also a gift. In fact, it makes us a gift to ourselves and others.Prayer for the Day
Higher Power, thank you for the people in my life who understand me and love me, both because I am like them and because I am different from them.
Today's Action
Today I will make a list of people in recovery I don’t know very well. I will reach out to them so they become part of my recovery tree.
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