“Listen and learn”: It’s a slogan that becomes more useful the more we use it.
not easy to admit that we don’t listen well. We may appear to be
listening when we’re deep in conversation, but how much do we really
hear? There is a big difference between listening and hearing.
Twelve Step meetings and the sponsors and friends we acquire here, we
have many opportunities to get the help we need, but we have to be
willing first to listen and then to really hear what they tell us.
Learning comes from hearing.
What is it that we need to hear at these meetings? We need to hear that it’s possible to go on with our lives and be happy, even if the addict is still using. We need to hear that it’s possible to let go of trying to control other people and live our lives only. We need to hear how others have done an inventory and have begun to look honestly at themselves instead of others for a change. And we need to hear of the relief that comes with forgiveness. Over time we’ll learn many more things. This is only a beginning, but it’s a good place to start.
I know others will be sharing messages I need to hear today. God, help me be willing to listen, hear, and learn.